

Sermons & Seminars
Mike Bird

Autism and Christian Parenting

Published Date: 22 April 2021
Publication Date: 22 April 2021
Event: Webinar

Books mentioned
• Disability and the Gospel – Michael S Beates
• Autism and the Church – Grant Macaskill
• Disability in Mission: The Church’s Hidden Treasure

• Conversations from the frontline Facebook page
• The Theology of Disability | Dr. John Swinton

Join Ridley faculty Rev’d Dr Michael Bird, his wife Naomi, and Student Support Educator Louise Griffiths for a special Ridley webinar, as they tackle the hard topic of parenting children who live with autism in a Christian setting. They will share their own personal journey as parents/educators of children who have been diagnosed with autism, bringing their own biblical perspectives to this complex experience. This webinar does not seek to provide advice or strategies for families living with autism. It is hoped that this webinar will raise awareness of the challenges faced by parents and the way the gospel has brought comfort and encouragement in difficult times. It is also hoped that this webinar will encourage local churches to actively seek ways in which they can support families with children who live with ASD.


Mike Bird  | Ridley College Academic Dean Lecturer in Theology

Naomi Bird | Assistant Families and Children’s Minister, St. Alfred’s Church Blackburn North

Louise Griffiths | Student Support Educator