

Papers & Publications
Billy Graham

Telegram from Billy Graham accepting invitation to come to Australia in 1959

Published Date: 12 March 2013
Publication Date: 12 March 2013
Event: Public Event

There has been a discovery of precious documents from the 1959 Billy Graham Crusade in the Ridley Melbourne archives.

Among the documents is a telegram from Dr Graham accepting the invitation to come to Australia. “This telegram is of national importance,” says Ridley Faculty member Rhys Bezzant, lecturer in evangelical church history. In the telegram, Billy Graham describes Melbourne as one of the most liveable and moral cities in the world!

This discovery also includes a copy of the Breeches Bible from 1609, and a book on the Reformers signed by John Pascoe Fawkner, founder of Melbourne. Of particular interest are a series of personal letters between former Ridley Principal, Stuart Barton Babbage and Dr Graham himself, concerning the Melbourne mission and an invitation to Babbage to be involved in the Philadelphia crusade of 1961.

The college is thrilled to make this find and to secure the legacy of previous generations.

Click on the link below to see the telegram

Billy Graham Telegram