Resources: Video

'We don’t do God!’ Keeping Christian organisations Christian
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9ZcuupcJA&feature=youtu.be The Faith and Work Award is designed to honour Christians who over a lifetime have integrated their faith…

Book Review: Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents, and Sources
A review from Ridley faculty Scott Harrower and Mike Bird of 'Christian Oxyrhynchus: Texts, Documents and Sources' edited by Lincoln…

Book Review: Philosophy of Language & Geischter Und Geschichten Der Reformation
A review from Ridley faculty Scott Harrower and Mike Bird of 'Philosophy of Language' by Colin McGinn & 'Gesichter Und…

Book Review: Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
A review from Ridley faculty Scott Harrower and Mike Bird of 'Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit' by Matthew…

Leadership: Service or Self-Interest
Andrew Laird (Dean of the Marketplace Institute and Life@Work director) addresses how to be a servant hearted leader, and how…

Leadership: Service or Self-Interest
Andrew Laird (Dean of the Marketplace Institute and Life@Work director) addresses how to be a servant hearted leader, and how…

Luther's Prison Cell
Happy Reformation Day! Join Rhys Bezzant as he visits Luther's prison cell.

Now and Not Yet Offcuts
Missing your regular fix of Now and Not Yet? Take a look a the never seen before footage in our…

Reading Smarter
In this series of study skills, Anthea McCall (lecturer in New Testament) gives some tips and skills on how to…

How to Study Smart
In this series of study skills, Anthea McCall (lecturer in New Testament) gives some tips and skills on how to…

What is Mentoring? / Vanhoozer & Confused Evangelicalism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OVL-xhuUJI In this episode we look at mentoring as a discipleship tool. We also discuss Kevin Vanhoozer and Daniel Trier's…

The Now and Not Yet Pilot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJHG8A-rmj0&list=PLMQ7YneYALpyI_7sEgoKRfD2xTjqHFKCp&index=11 In this pilot episode, Mike and Scott discuss Mike's new book on Romans, send some love out to Justin…

False Teaching
Principal Brian Rosner preached in chapel on False Teaching in a three part series from the first week of semester…

The Surprising Mentoring Ministry of Edwards: Learning the Art of Leadership Development
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw6fq-vxD2w Please fast forward 17 minutes to view content. Provided by the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research

Training Leaders in a Digital Age
Guy Mason is the lead pastor at City on a Hill and graduate of Ridley College. On October 23rd he…

N. T. Wright Conference
Videos from the 2 Day Conference with N. T. Wright are now available. Jesus, Paul and the Mission of God’s…

Evangelical Theology by Mike Bird
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtXofha3kxw Mike Bird talks about his book Evangelical Theology. A booklaunch for Evangelical Theology and Jonathan Edwards and the Church…