Resources: Article

Get Equipped, Enrol to study Ridley Certificate for Free!
Ridley Certificate is NOW FREE! The Ridley Certificate is an online video Bible course for individuals and Bible Study groups.…

Build Your Bible Digital Resource Library
Ridley Logos Package We are offering you the opportunity to own one of our custom Ridley Logos Library packages. The…

New Ridley Certificate Course
Get a grip on Romans! Sign up and study our brand new Ridley Certificate subject on the book of Romans,…

ACCOMPANYING YOUNG PEOPLE: LISTEN WELL, RESPOND WISELY Rev'd Dr Graham Stanton, Director, Ridley Centre for Children's and Youth Ministry How…

Whose Religion? Which Secularism? Australia has a Serious Religious Literacy Problem.
ABC Religion and Ethics has published Mike Birds' piece on: Whose Religion? Which Secularism? Australia has a Serious Religious Literacy…

Deferring Easter? A Thought Experiment
So here is the thing. Easter this year is going to be flat. The emotional twists and theological minefields of…

3 strategies for working from home
"Working from home, even if we are ‘self-isolating’ for health reasons doesn’t mean we have to cut ourselves off from…

Communion in the COVID-19 Crisis
We all have to make sacrifices. So communion has got to go. Let me explain. I love the Lord’s Supper…

Your Talk Sucks
As you might know, I recently released my second book Talks That Don’t Suck. When we decided on the name…

Saying Yes to Jesus Isn’t Always Fun
For almost eighteen months now I’ve had a draft post sitting in my blog folder titled “Saying Yes to Jesus…

Finding Common Ground: A Contemporary Challenge for the Church
In public life today Christians are seeking answers to fundamental questions: Where are we? Who are we? What's happening? How…

Too slow or too fast?
This article by faculty member, Rhys Bezzant, was first published on The Melbourne Anglican Website, it is in response to…

When Billy Visited Melbourne
This article written by faculty member, Rhys Bezzant, was first published on The Gospel Coalition Australia website. Of course, it…

Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible
This article, written by faculty member Mike Bird, was first published on the Patheos Blog, and printed in Eternity Newspaper…

What if Christian Ministry was really Complex?
This article was written by Graham Stanton and first published on the Mathew Hale Public Library website. That might seem…

2017 Annual Preachers' Conference Resources
This page has talk outline downloads and instructions for workshop preparation for delegates. Click here to be taken to the…

Leadership: One worth following
Watch the third talk in the series Leadership: Doing it well. Surviving when it’s bad, Andrew Laird (Dean of the Marketplace…

Women Biblical Scholars Interview: Jill Firth
This interview first appeared on the Women Biblical Scholars website Dr. Jill Firth is on faculty at Ridley College in…

Giving thanks for work of a 'rough-hewn monk'
This article by faculty member Charlie Fletcher was first published in The Melbourne Anglican August 2017, No 561 This year…

The Household Codes and Domestic Violence
In light of Julia Baird’s disturbing investigation about the prevalence of domestic violence in conservative churches, faculty member Mike Bird…