Resources: Jonathan Edwards Center

Edwards on Assurance
Should assurance be a gift to every Christian upon their conversion, or is it something that we work for in…

Evangelicalism in Victoria in 1910
Rev'd Robert Evans presented the Charles Perry Lecture for 2010. Robert is the author of many books on the history of…

Original Sin in Jonathan Edwards
This paper will outline Edwards’ understanding of the elements of “original sin”, particularly as set forth in his treatise on…

What is an Evangelical?
The label "evangelical" is hotly debated amongst Christians and within contemporary politics, especially in the US. This brief overview provides…

First Fleet Library
This is an extraordinary resource, supplied by the SPCK in Australia, which shows the list of books and tracts which…

Creed - Confession - Chorus: Formative Periods of Christian History
Church history can be all too complicated, especially the terms used to describe different periods and their relationships. This chart…

Whitefield’s New England Campaign
This essay, written for a course on the History of Evangelicalism at Ridley, asks questions concerning the validity of revivalism,…

In what ways does Edwards advance our understanding of justification?
Written by Ridley faculty member Anthea McCall towards her Master of Arts. The main section of the essay explores the…

The Life Of Brainerd and The State Of The Church
The Life of Brainerd is a compilation by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) of the diary and journal of the eighteenth century…