Resources: Jonathan Edwards Center

Luther's Prison Cell
Happy Reformation Day! Join Rhys Bezzant as he visits Luther's prison cell.

The Surprising Mentoring Ministry of Edwards: Learning the Art of Leadership Development
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw6fq-vxD2w Please fast forward 17 minutes to view content. Provided by the Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research

In Utter Dependence
Melbourne University Christian Union (1930-2005) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Honours in Arts.…

Hope beyond a fragmented world
We regularly recognise that our world is highly fragmented. Our work, study, friendships, leisure pursuits, and church involvement see us…

Bonhoeffer, the Psalter, and Pastoral Identity
While Jesus Christ himself used Psalm 110 more than any other, making it his favourite psalm, this honour for Bonhoeffer…

Remarks by Stuart Piggin at Launch of ‘Jonathan Edwards and the Church’
'The Church: Human Insertion in Trinitarian Life; Trinitarian Assertion in Human Life' Rhys S. Bezzant, Jonathan Edwards and the Church…

Leaders Matter (EHA/ Ridley Melbourne Biennial Lecture)
The lecture was delivered in two parts by Rhys Bezzant, lecturer at Ridley Melbourne, and Wei Han Kuan, CMS State…

Jonathan Edwards ‘True Saints, Absent in Body, Present with Lord’
Click below for PDF documents containing images of the original edition of True Saints, Absent in Body, Present with Lord…

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Outline of Argument
Click the article on the right to download.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Historical Context
In this paper, Devan Foster summarises Jonathan Edwards 'Sinners in the Hands of Angry God' Click on the link in…

Emotions the Christian Life and Edwards
Paper by Rhys Bezzant "From Sad and Mad to Glad: The Pilgrim's Passions" Click the link to the right for…

Jonathan Edwards and Justification
By Josh Moody Contirbutors: Douglas A. Sweeney, Samuel T. Logan Jr., Kyle Strobel, and Ridley Melbourne Faculty Member Rhys Bezzant…

“Singly, Particularly, Closely”: Edwards as Mentor
Paper by Rhys Bezzant Click the link on the right hand side to download the full document. Excerpt: It is…

Edwards and the next generation of Evangelicals
Piper is coming to Sydney this year, and will draw massive crowds. Driscoll isn’t coming to Sydney this year, but…

Launch of the book ‘The Evangelisation Society of Australasia’
It is a great pleasure this afternoon to be able to officially launch Bob’s book, and to pray the book…

The Gospel of Justification and Edwards’s Social Vision
Significant moments in Jonathan Edwards’s ministry were connected to his exposition of the doctrine of justification by faith. In concluding…

Theology and the future of worship
Outlining Two Ways to Worship I didn’t grow up going to church at all, so the Anglican Book of Common…

Review: A House Divided? by Tom Frame
I loved this book, or should I say books. Tom Frame’s interests range so widely. He guides us through discussions…

Why we need more Bonhoeffer
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas Every Christian needs to read a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer sooner or…

Doctorate: Orderly not Ordinary: Jonathan Edwards’s Evangelical Ecclesiology
by Rhys Bezzant A Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Theology in the…