Resources: Bible and Theology

New Ridley Certificate Course
Get a grip on Romans! Sign up and study our brand new Ridley Certificate subject on the book of Romans,…

6 Reasons Why (continue) Formal Theological Education?
“So, what do you do?” “Time is short. Why would you bother with all that book learning when you could…

Whose Religion? Which Secularism? Australia has a Serious Religious Literacy Problem.
ABC Religion and Ethics has published Mike Birds' piece on: Whose Religion? Which Secularism? Australia has a Serious Religious Literacy…

Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible
This article, written by faculty member Mike Bird, was first published on the Patheos Blog, and printed in Eternity Newspaper…

Luther's Prison Cell
Happy Reformation Day! Join Rhys Bezzant as he visits Luther's prison cell.

Snowballs and Bowling Balls: (3) Jesus and Mary Magdalene
This article was first published on the Gospel Coalition Australia website. This is the third post of Brian Rosner’s series…

Snowballs and Bowling Balls: (1) Reading John’s Gospel
This article was first published on the Gospel Coalition Australia website.by Brian Rosner Advice on how to read the Bible…

Where do we find leaders?
This article by faculty member Rhys Bezzant was first published in The Melbourne Anglican October 2015, No 541 In Melbourne,…

Is Pope Francis Our Pope?
Can faithful Anglicans, particularly those of an evangelical and reformed variety, get caught up in the Pope-mania that is sweeping…

Putting Theology Back into Preaching, the Church and the World
Academic Dean, Lindsay Wilson reflects on the place of theology in preaching after attending the Ridley College Annual Preachers' Conference.…

Seeing God
Ridley Faculty member, Rhys Bezzant, explores the value of the visual. Screens, mirrors, icons, and selfies are ubiquitous in our…

Reading the Psalms at Easter
This article written by faculty member Mike Bird, was first published in the Melbourne Anglican, April 2015 No 535 How…

Yes, Jesus existed…but relax, you can still be an atheist if you want to
by Mike Bird I finally read with great reluctance Mr. Raphael Lataster’s piece published by The Conversation, entitled “Weighing up…

Why did Jesus read the Old Testament?
This article was first published in The Melbourne Anglican Newspaper, October 2014, No 530 Some years ago, a student of…

The Ascension: The Messiah Takes His Throne
Dr. Michael F. Bird This article was first published in The Melbourne Anglican, June 2013, No 526 Question: Why does…

An Easter Reflection
Ian Harper, Partner at Deloitte Access Economics and member of the Ridley Melbourne Board reflects. There’s nothing like the death…

Hope Beyond A Fragmented World
Dr Rhys Bezzant We regularly recognise that our world is highly fragmented. Our work, study, friendships, leisure pursuits, and church…

Paul and Pastoral Mediator: Romans 14:1-15:12
Everybody loves Romans! It is the meat and potatoes of biblical doctrine. It is gospel and Christian living rolled into…

Evangelical Theology by Mike Bird
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtXofha3kxw Mike Bird talks about his book Evangelical Theology. A booklaunch for Evangelical Theology and Jonathan Edwards and the Church…

Wilberforce and the Abolition of Slavery: What can Evangelicals Learn?
Slavery hasn’t gone away. In many impoverished countries in the world today some estimate that millions of children and adults…