Position Vacant

Position Vacant

Rector – The Good Shepherd Anglican Church Curtin ACT

About the Role



The Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Curtin (Canberra) is looking for a new Rector. 

We seek a visionary leader who will lead the Good Shepherd Church community into the next phase of growth and mission. The suitable candidate will be servant leader who is evangelical by conviction and practice. They will be a person of prayer and an effective bible teacher. The person will need to be an ordained Anglican priest/presbyter and have demonstrated experience of running a church of 300 or more members and running a staff team. 

About The Good Shepherd Anglican Church Curtin ACT

Good Shepherd is an evangelical Anglican parish centrally located in Canberra. Our mission is to help all people know, love and live for Jesus. Our vision is to become a church of 1000 people who so know, love and live for Jesus that we are a blessing to central Canberra and beyond.

Good Shepherd is a place where ordinary people from all backgrounds, cultures and nations meet to give thanks to God for his amazing love shown to us in His Son Jesus. With a regular weekly attendance of 400 or more and six regular congregations, the parish currently has a staff team of eight (two full-time associate ministers, a part-time children’s minister, a part-time youth minister, a ministry trainee, a part-time administrator, a part-time technology verger, and a part-time communications and graphic designer.)

As a community, Good Shepherd aims to be a God glorifying, Christ-centred, love-focused, prayerfully dependent, Spirit-empowered, Bible based, disciple-making church.

To Apply

For more information or to apply, click here.

