The Now & Not Yet Episode 1

The Now and Not Yet. The show that keeps you plugged into everything on the Bible, history, and theology.
In our first episode, Dr Scott and Dr Mike talk about who in church history you want or do not want in your leadership team, share about books they’ve edited together and did some book reviews.
🎁 Book Giveaway Contest 🎁
To win, you will have to subscribe and leave a comment to win a signed copy of The New Testament in Its World. A random winner will be picked after each episode.
📚 Featured Books in this Episode 📚
Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers
Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2021
Trinity Without Hierarchy: Reclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical Theology
Publisher : Kregel Academic & Professional, 2019
African American Interpretation – Lisa M. Bowens
Publisher: Eerdmans, 2020
Greek and Latin Narratives About the Ancient Martyrs Edited by Eric Rebillard
Publisher : Oxford University Press; 1st edition