Andrew is a life-long learner. Having planned to study at Ridley for a three-year degree, he has now been teaching in various capacities since 1997. He resists specialising, preferring to help students learn about reading and using both Testaments of Scripture.
With prior research on the sociology of the internet and experience in tertiary teaching and information technology, he is particularly passionate about our Ridley Online program. He also has experience with student ministry (AFES) and overseas missions (CMS).
Andrew is an active member of the Glen Waverley Anglican Church.
Teaching Areas
Old and New Testaments, Greek, and Mission
Research Interests & Publications
Apart from learning more about effective distance teaching and learning, Andrew is currently focused on some of the biblical books less familiar in many church circles, including the letters to the Hebrews and the Thessalonians. Some of his publications include::
- To Walk and to Please God: A Theology of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, New Testament Theology (Wheaton: Crossway, 2024).
- ‘Old Testament Calls to Thankfulness’, in Honoring the Wise, ed. J. C. Firth and P. A. Barker (Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2022), 233–248.
- ‘Cautious about Conatives’, Novum Testamentum 62.3 (2020): 302–321.
- ‘Drawing Near to God: Spatial Metaphors for Salvation’, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 23.1 (2019): 87–111. [online]
- ‘Paul as Pastor in Colossians?’ in Paul as Pastor, ed. B. S. Rosner, A. S. Malone and T. J. Burke (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018), 109–121.
- God’s Mediators: A Biblical Theology of Priesthood, NSBT 43 (London: Apollos; Downers Grove: IVP, 2017).
- ‘Appreciating the Pneumatology of Acts’, Reformed Theological Review 76 (2017): 23–38, 121–135.
- ‘Acceptable Anachronism in Biblical Studies’, The Bible Translator 67.3 (2016): 351–364. [abstract]
- Knowing Jesus in the Old Testament? A Fresh Look at Christophanies (Nottingham: IVP, 2015).
- ‘Disputing Old Testament Indwelling’ in Holy Spirit: Unfinished Agenda, ed. J. T. K. Lim (Singapore: Genesis / WordNWorks, 2014), 81–85.
- ‘Distinguishing the Angel of the Lord’, Bulletin for Biblical Research 21.3 (2011): 297–314. [online]
- ‘God the Illeist: Third-Person Self-References and Trinitarian Hints in the Old Testament’, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 52.3 (2009): 499–518. [online]
- ‘Burn or Boast? Keeping the 1 Corinthians 13:3 Debate in Balance’, Biblica 90.3 (2009): 400–406. [online]
- ‘The Invisibility of God: A Survey of a Misunderstood Phenomenon’, Evangelical Quarterly 79.4 (2007): 311–329. [online]
- ‘Wenhams Old and New: The Elements of a Classroom Greek Text’, Reformed Theological Review 65.3 (2006): 149–166.
- ‘Is the Messiah Announced in Malachi 3:1?’, Tyndale Bulletin 57.2 (2006): 215–228. [online]
- ‘John Owen and Old Testament Christophanies’, Reformed Theological Review 63.3 (2004): 138–154. [online]